
NGC 1672 HST


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This file was a candidate in Picture of the Year 2007.
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This is a featured picture on the English language Wikipedia (Featured pictures) and is considered one of the finest images.
This is a featured picture on the Persian language Wikipedia (????????? ???????) and is considered one of the finest images.
This is a featured picture on the Turkish language Wikipedia (Seçkin resimler) and is considered one of the finest images.

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Wikimedia Commons

Picture of the day

This image was selected as a picture of the day for 12 June 2007(2007-06-12). It was captioned as follows:

English: View of the nearby barred spiral galaxy NGC 1672 by NASA Hubble Space Telescope.


?????????: ???? ?????? ?? ??????????? ???????? ?? NASA Hubble ??? ???????? ????????? ???????? ????????? NGC 1672 ???????? ??????????? ? ?????????????????? ?????? ?? ??????????? ? ????? ????? ?? ???????????? ????. NGC 1672 ? ?? ?????? ?? 60 ???. ????????? ?????? ? ?????? ?? ?????? ????????? ?????? ?????. ???? ?????????? ?? NGC 1672 ?? ????????? ? ???????????? ?????? ?? ??????????? ?? Hubble ???? ?????? 2005 ?.
English: This NASA Hubble Space Telescope view of the nearby barred spiral galaxy NGC 1672 unveils details in the galaxy’s star-forming clouds and dark bands of interstellar dust. NGC 1672 is more than 60 million light-years away in the direction of the southern constellation Dorado. These observations of NGC 1672 were taken with Hubble's Advanced Camera for Surveys in August of 2005.
Français : La galaxie spirale baree NGC 1672 vue par le Telescope Spatial Hubble. Cette image revele le detail des nebuleuses de cette galaxie, que ce soient les pouponiere d'etoiles ou les bandes sombres de poussiere intestellaire. NGC 1672 est distante de plus de 60 millions d'annees lumieres de la terre, dans la direction de la constellation australe de la dorade. Cette image a ete prise en aout 2005 par la camera ACS de Hubble.

3 April 2007(2007-04-03)


NASA, ESA, and The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)-ESA/Hubble Collaboration

(Reusing this file)
Public domain This file is in the public domain because it was created by NASA and ESA. Hubble material is copyright-free and may be freely used as in the public domain without fee, on the condition that NASA and ESA is credited as the source of the material. The material was created for NASA by Space Telescope Science Institute and for ESA by the Hubble European Space Agency Information Centre under Contract NAS5-26555. Copyright statement at hubblesite.org or copyright statement at spacetelescope.org.
Hubble 01.jpg
Other versions NGC 1672 Hubble GALEX WikiSky.jpg NGC 1672 GALEX WikiSky.jpg
Photo's description:
View of the nearby barred spiral galaxy NGC 1672 by NASA Hubble Space Telescope.
Public Domain

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EXIF data:
File name ngc_1672_hst.jpg
Size, Mbytes 25.91941796875
Mime type image/jpeg
Orientation of image 1
Image resolution in width direction 300
Image resolution in height direction 300
Unit of X and Y resolution 2
Color space information 65535
Exif image width 5302
Exif image length 3805
Software used Adobe Photoshop CS2 Macintosh

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