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Description |
English: The Whirlpool Galaxy (Spiral Galaxy M51, NGC 5194) is a classic spiral galaxy located in the Canes Venatici constellation.
Esperanto: NGC 5194 (Messier 51) estas spirala galaksio en konstelacio ?ashundoj.
Français : La galaxie M51 (astronomie), une galaxie spirale classique située dans la constellation des chiens de chasse.
Türkçe: Girdap Gökadas? (ayr?ca Messier 51a, M51a, veya NGC 5194 olarak da bilinir) yakla??k 23 milyon ???k y?l? uzakl?kta Av Köpekleri tak?my?ld?z? bölgesinde bulunan etkile?en büyük plan sarmal gökada. Gökyüzünün en ünlü sarmal gökadalar?ndan biridir. Bu gökada ve ona e?lik eden (NGC 5195) amatör gözlemciler taraf?ndan kolayca gözlemlenebilir, hatta iki gökada da iyi bir dürbünle gözlenebilir. Girdap Gökadas?; özellikle sarmal kollar ve etkile?en gökadalar?n, yap?lar?n?n daha iyi anla??labilmesi için çal??an profesyonel gökbilimciler için, oldukça popülerdir, NASA, ESA
Date | January 2005 | |||
Source | SOURCE OF 2ND VERSION: also bigger versions up to about 12000x8000 pixel available | |||
Author | NASA and European Space Agency | |||
Permission (Reusing this file) |
Other versions |
This is a featured picture on Wikimedia Commons (Featured pictures) and is considered one of the finest images. This file was a finalist in Picture of the Year 2008. This is a featured picture on the English language Wikipedia (Featured pictures) and is considered one of the finest images. This is a featured picture on the Persian language Wikipedia (????????? ???????) and is considered one of the finest images. This is a featured picture on the Japanese language Wikipedia (?????) and is considered one of the finest images. This is a featured picture on the Turkish language Wikipedia (Seçkin resimler) and is considered one of the finest images. If you have an image of similar quality that can be published under a suitable copyright license, be sure to upload it, tag it, and nominate it. |
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This image was selected as a picture of the day for 19 June 2008. It was captioned as follows: English: The Whirlpool Galaxy (Spiral Galaxy M51, NGC 5194) is a classic spiral galaxy located in the Canes Venatici constellation.
Afrikaans: Die Maalkolksterrestelsel (Messier 51a of NGC 5194) is 'n klassieke spiraalstelsel geleë in die Canes Venatici, of Jaghonde sterrebeeld.
???????: ???? ???? ??? (???? ?????? M51, NGC 5194) ?? ???? ?????? ???????? ?? ?????? ?????? Canes Venatici.
??????????: ???????? ???? ?????????? ?????????, M51/NGC 5194 ? ?????'? ?????? ????.
Bosanski: Galaksija Whirlpool (Spiralna galaksija M51,M51, NGC 5194) je klasi?na spiralna galaksija smještena u sazvjež?u Lova?ki psi (Canes Venatici).
Català: La Galàxia del Remolí (Messier 51a, M51a, o NGC 5194) és una galàxia espiral de la constel·lació dels Llebres (Canes Venatici).
Dansk: Spiralgalaksen M51, NGC 5194, (Hvivelgalaksen) er en klassisk spiralgalakse beliggende i stjernebilledet Jagthundene
Deutsch: Die Whirlpool-Galaxie (auch Messier 51 oder NGC 5194/5195) im Sternbild Jagdhunde ist eine klassische Spiralgalaxie.
English: The Whirlpool Galaxy (Spiral Galaxy M51, NGC 5194) is a classic spiral galaxy located in the Canes Venatici constellation.
Esperanto: Kirla Galaksio (M51, NGC 5194) estas klasika spirala galaksio situanta en la Konstelacio de ?ashundoj
Español: La Galaxia Remolino (también conocida como Objeto Messier 51, Messier 51, M51 o NGC 5194), clásica galaxia espiral localizada en la constelación Canes Venatici (los perros cazadores o los lebreles).
Français : La galaxie M51 (astronomie), une galaxie spirale classique située dans la constellation des chiens de chasse.
Íslenska: Hringiðuþokan (þyrilþoka M51, NGC 5194) er dæmigerð þyrilþoka í stjörnumerkinu Canes Venatici.
Lietuvi?: S?kurio galaktika (Spiralin? galaktika M51, NGC 5194) Skalik? žvaigždyne yra klasikin? spiralin? galaktika.
The Whirlpool Galaxy (Spiral Galaxy M51, NGC 5194) is a classic spiral galaxy located in the Canes Venatici constellation.
Public Domain
EXIF data: | |
File name | messier51_srgb.jpg |
Size, Mbytes | 72.703881835937 |
Mime type | image/jpeg |
Image resolution in width direction | 240 |
Image resolution in height direction | 240 |
Unit of X and Y resolution | 2 |
Exif version | 0221 |
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