
Cavalier Arpino - santa cecilia


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Italiano: Santa Cecilia con l’organo portatile, un’altra santa e un putto

Olio su tela

136x98,5 cm
Date circa 1630
Source https://www.fondazionesorgentegroup.com
Author Giuseppe Cesari detto il Cavalier d’Arpino

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Photo's description:

Santa Cecilia con l’organo portatile, un’altra santa e un putto Olio su tela 136x98,5 cm

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EXIF data:
File name cavalier_arpino___santa_cecilia.jpg
Size, Mbytes 1.7745361328125
Mime type image/jpeg
Camera manufacturer Hasselblad
Camera model Hasselblad H3D II-22
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Image resolution in width direction 300
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Exposure time 751619276/536870912 sec (1.3999999985099)
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ISO speed rating 50
Exif version 0210
Lens focal length 65 mm
Date and time original image was generated 2009:10:06 11:12:18
Date and time image was made digital data 2009:10:06 11:12:18
Shutter speed -0.48542682640254
Aperture 8.9188632369041
Metering mode 254
Color space information 65535
Exif image width 3191
Exif image length 4441
Software used Adobe Photoshop CS3 Windows

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