
Elisabeth-Louise Vigée Le Brun - The Marquise de Pezay, and the Marquise de Rougé with Her Sons Alexis and Adrien - Google Art Project


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Details of artist on Google Art Project
Title The Marquise de Pezay, and the Marquise de Rougé with her sons Alexis and Adrien
Object type Painting
Medium oil on canvas
Dimensions 123.4 × 155.9 cm (48.6 × 61.4 in)
West Main Floor Gallery 56
Accession number 1964.11.1
Object history One of the sitters, Victurnienne Delphine Nathalie, marquise de Rougé [1759-1828, née Rochechouart Mortemart], Paris, Château de la Bellière, Château de Beaune-la-Rolande, and Château de Moreuil; by inheritance to her son, comte Adrien Gabriel Victurnien de Rougé [1782-1838], Château de Guyencourt, Cuyencourt-sur-Noye (Somme); by inheritance to his son, comte Armel-Jean-Victurnien de Rougé [1813-1898]; by inheritance to his son, Armel-Marie-Fernand de Rougé [b. 1847], Paris and Château de Saint-Symphorien-des-Monts (Manche), until at least 1914; by inheritance to his son, comte Jean de Rougé [1880-1960], Château de Saint-Symphorien; presumably to his nephew, Charles-Edouard de Cassagnes de Beaufort de Miramon-Pesteils [b. 1930]; purchased 1960 by (Wildenstein & Co., Inc., New York); purchased 24 June 1964 by the Bay Foundation, New York; gift 1964 to NGA.
Credit line Gift of the Bay Foundation in memory of Josephine Bay Paul and Ambassador Charles Ulrick Bay
Notes More info at museum site
Source/Photographer VgG7rcXdKtfrRg at Google Cultural Institute, zoom level maximum


This is a faithful photographic reproduction of a two-dimensional, public domain work of art. The work of art itself is in the public domain for the following reason:
Public domain This work is in the public domain in the United States because it was published (or registered with the U.S. Copyright Office) before January 1, 1923.

The author died in 1842, so this work is in the public domain in countries and areas where the copyright term is the author's life plus 100 years or less.

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This photographic reproduction is therefore also considered to be in the public domain. In other jurisdictions, re-use of this content may be restricted; see Reuse of PD-Art photographs for details.
Photo's description:

French painter

Public Domain

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EXIF data:
File name elisabeth-louise_viga_e_le_brun_-_the_marquise_de_pezay__and_the_marquise_de_rouga__with_her_sons_alexis_and_adrien_-_google_art_project.jpg
Size, Mbytes 5.807216796875
Mime type image/jpeg

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